Wednesday 4 March 2015

French Impressionist Goes Nuts For Macedonia

Someone told me Beddows had replaced Andy Murray with my portrait in his boardroom. Without analysing that too much let's say it's one step above Brendan Rodgers hanging this in his house.

He also mentioned bringing me in to co-host the 279 Saturday Show. That's an interesting proposition but the conditions would have to be right.

Most importantly, the application can't involve me filling in any forms online, because I will never Submit..


  1. Unfortunately Razzaque is not eligible to 'host' the show... a guest once in a while yes... :)

  2. I looked up Macedonia nuts via Google images. The first image was of an orange. It reminded me of Kim Jong-un's stupid head. Great minds think alike!

  3. I looked up macedonia nuts, with Google Safety Search switched off. Learn. From. My. Mistakes.
